Queer We Are podcast

The Positive LGBTQ Stories Podcast

On Queer We Are, you’ll hear inspiring conversations with extraordinary members of the LGBT community who are living creative, fulfilled, and positive lives. They’re keeping the faith when so many of us are struggling to hold on to it. Their stories offer a renewed sense of belonging. Yes, our challenges are real. They can’t be ignored. Facing the obstacles head-on, my guests are shaping the world.

Guests include gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, and non-binary, intersex, and allies sharing their stories.

Meet The Host

Brad Shreve is the creator and host of Queer We Are. His goal is to motivate and inspire listeners without feeling they’re listening to a show about motivation and inspiration. 

From coming out at the age of 35 with a wife and daughter, to losing his career and becoming homeless due to drugs and alcohol, and later to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Brad has made by it by redefining his life with each step.

He hopes his story, and others who overcame their own obstacles will assist those looking for direction. 

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