Is Lindz Amer the Queer Mister Rogers?

Lindz Amer - Queer We Are podcast
Lindz Amer is the creator of the popular YouTube series "Queer Kid Stuff," the author of “Rainbow Parenting” and the upcoming "Hooray for She, He, Ze, and They". Lindz discusses their journey in creating LGBTQ+ content for children. They also reflect on identity, children’s literature, and the importance of representation.

Lindz Amer opens a whole universe of queer representation in children’s media that not only entertains but educates. We’re painting a vibrant narrative as we explore the rise of LGBTQ+ representation in children’s books and how Lindz storytelling, interwoven with queer theory, helps children understand complex topics like gender identity.

The Huffington Post calls Queer Kid Stuff a “groundbreaking YouTube educational resource.” The series is a haven for LGBTQ+ children’s literature that celebrates storytelling and queer content. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns though; we’ll confront the challenges that come with creating such content, such as resource constraints. And we briefly touch on the dark side of harassment. Lindz also discusses the Rainbow Parenting, their book for parents and allies to understand LGBTQ+ children, and their upcoming picture book Hooray for She, He, Ze, and They!

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About Lindz Amer

Lindz Amer makes queer stuff for kids, parents, educators, and allies.

They created their award-winning LGBTQ+ family webseries Queer Kid Stuff in 2016 which now has 4M lifetime views and counting! They are the author of the nonfiction parenting book Rainbow Parenting: Your Guide to Raising Queer Kid and Their Allies (St. Martin’s Press) and their picture book Hooray for She, He, Ze, and They! What Are YOUR Pronouns Today? (Simon & Schuster, February 2024). Currently, they host the Rainbow Parenting podcast, and perform at schools and libraries across the country, while writing and consulting for children’s television. They worked with Nick Jr on the Webby award-winning Blues Clues & You “Pride Parade” music video, wrote for The Fabulous Show with Fay and Fluffy, created the first nonbinary character in the Paw Patrol universe on the spin-off Rubble and Crew, and more! You can watch their viral TED Talk on why kids need to learn about gender and sexuality and learn more about their work over at

Rainbow Parenting AUTHOR BIO

Lindz Amer (they/them) makes queer stuff for kids and families. They started on this wild and winding career path when they created Queer Kid Stuff—an award-winning original LGBTQ+ educational webseries for all ages—that has reached millions of families. They perform at libraries, schools, and theaters all over the world spreading queer joy and working on numerous projects that bring queer and trans representation into mainstream children’s media. In 2019, they gave a viral TED Talk on the importance of talking to kids about gender and sexuality. They currently write for preschool television and also host the parenting podcast Rainbow Parenting, as well as Activist, You! for kids featuring interviews with youth activists. Their work has been featured by Good Morning America, Kidscreen, Teen Vogue, and Parents Magazine. They live in New England with their wife and spunky cattle dog mix named Georgie.


Lindz Amer makes queer stuff for kids, parents, educators, and allies.They created their award-winning LGBTQ+ family webseries Queer Kid Stuff in 2016 which now has 4M lifetime views and counting! They are the author of the nonfiction parenting book Rainbow Parenting: Your Guide to Raising Queer Kid and Their Allies (St. Martin’s Press) and their picture book Hooray for She, He, Ze, and They! What Are YOUR Pronouns Today? (Simon & Schuster, February 2024). Currently, they host the Rainbow Parenting podcast, and perform at schools and libraries across the country, while writing and consulting for children’s television. In addition to their work making queer stuff for kids and families, they’re also a preschool music teacher through the global organization Music Together! They are a professional performer with decades of experience as a professional singer and ukulele player! When they’re not busy spreading queer joy and performing for families, you can find them painting, cooking, and hanging out with their wife and two rescue pups on a New England beach!

Nurturing with Love and Acceptance: Parenting LGBTQ+ Children

Parenting is a beautiful and challenging journey that comes with its unique set of joys and struggles. For parents of LGBTQ+ children, navigating their child’s journey of self-discovery and identity can bring about a mix of emotions and uncertainties. In today’s blog post, we will explore the importance of creating a nurturing and accepting environment for LGBTQ+ children and provide some guidance for parents on how to support their child’s journey.

1. Educate Yourself:
One of the first steps to supporting your LGBTQ+ child is to educate yourself about sexual orientations, gender identities, and the experiences of the LGBTQ+ community. By learning about the diverse spectrum of identities, you can better understand your child’s experiences and provide appropriate support. Seek out reputable resources, read books, watch documentaries, and engage in open-minded conversations with LGBTQ+ individuals to broaden your knowledge.

2. Foster Open Communication:
Creating a safe space for open communication is crucial for your child to feel heard, understood, and supported. Encourage conversations about identities, experiences, and emotions related to their LGBTQ+ journey. Active listening, empathy, and non-judgmental conversations can help your child express themselves authentically. Let them know that you are there to support and love them unconditionally.

3. Respect Their Identity:
Respecting your child’s self-identified gender or sexual orientation is paramount. Use their preferred name and pronouns consistently. Validate their emotions and experiences without judgment or assumptions. By showing respect for their authentic self, you cultivate an atmosphere of love and acceptance, boosting their self-esteem and well-being.

4. Advocate for Inclusivity:
As a parent, you can play an active role in advocating for inclusivity in your child’s school, community, and society at large. Become an ally by participating in LGBTQ+ awareness events, supporting LGBTQ+ organizations, and engaging in conversations that promote acceptance and understanding. By showing your support publicly, you send a powerful message of love and support to your child.

5. Find Support Networks:
Seeking support from other parents of LGBTQ+ children or joining support groups can provide a sense of community and guidance. Connecting with people who share similar experiences can offer valuable advice, emotional support, and resources. Online forums and LGBTQ+ organizations often offer virtual support groups for parents, creating spaces to share stories, ask questions, and celebrate milestones together.

6. Encourage Self-Esteem and Self-Care:
Help your child build self-esteem by celebrating their accomplishments, talents, and unique qualities. Encourage them to pursue hobbies and interests that bring them joy and a sense of fulfillment. Teaching them about self-care, including setting boundaries, practicing self-compassion, and engaging in activities that promote well-being, will empower them to navigate life with confidence.

Parenting LGBTQ+ children requires love, understanding, and acceptance. By educating ourselves, fostering open communication, and advocating for inclusivity, we can create a nurturing environment where our children can flourish. Remember, embracing your child’s authentic self is not only a gift to them but also an opportunity for personal growth and a chance to promote a more inclusive and compassionate world. Together, we can create a brighter future for all LGBTQ+ children.

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Looking for positivity within our community, then listen to Queer We Are. The podcast where you’ll hear some of the most interesting and successful LGBTQ+ people share uplifting stories, including their definition of success, how they achieved it, and what they learned along the way. Guests include celebrities, activists, politicians, athletes, and many more.
If you’ve been looking for both fun and inspiration, now you know where to find us because Queer We Are.