Wonderfully Made LGBTQ+R(eligion) Yuval David & Mark McDermott

Old wooden cross with LGBTQ posted above it and it's draped with rainbow colored cloth
Yuval David and Mark McDermott discuss their documentary Wonderfully Made LGBTQ+R(eligion) exploring challenges and aspirations of LGBTQ+ Catholics

Husbands, Yuval David and Mark McDermott discuss with Brad the documentary Wonderfully Made – LGBTQ+R(eligion) which was directed by Emmy® winner Yuval and Mark executive produced. “Wonderfully Made” explores the challenges and aspirations of LGBTQ+ Catholics through art. The film is the first of a planned docu-series, which focuses on other faith traditions and LGBTQ+ identities.

You can find more links, and learn more about Yuval, Mark, and Wonderfully Made LGBTQ(R) on the podcast’s website, including trailers. https://queerwearepodcast.com/episode/wonderfully-made

Film’s website:

Find Wonderfully Made on social media:
Instagram: @wonderfullymademovie
Twitter: @wonderful_made_
Facebook: WonderfullyMadeLGBTQReligion

About the Film

Discrimination against LGBTQ+ people is rampant. The source of much LGBTQ+ discrimination – of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and other laws – is religion. To fight for greater LGBTQ+ acceptance, while overlooking or ignoring religion, is to miss the root of the problem. Eliminating or moderating intolerant religious attitudes can eliminate or moderate intolerant secular policies, too. In short, a focus on religion can lead to the change desired by the LGBTQ+ community.

Wonderfully Made — LGBTQ+R(eligion) is a combined feature-length documentary and fine art project that together strike at the root of anti-LGBTQ+ attitudes by exploring the challenges and aspirations of LGBTQ+ Catholics. The film focuses on the Catholic Church because it is one of the largest religious organizations in the world, and because its anti-LGBTQ+ stance is well known and growing more hardline, at least in some circles. The film also highlights the factions who are fighting for LGBTQ+ acceptance and who often are criticized, silenced and attacked.

The film criticizes Church teaching about LGBTQ+ people while remaining respectful of those of faith. Indeed, no progress will be made by belittling believers or their religion – many of whom are LGBTQ+ people who persevere in their faith despite Church teaching. The film includes interviews with leading advocates of LGBTQ+ Catholics, including two prominent priests, a pioneering nun, founders/directors of major organizations seeking change, and a former U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican.

The narrative of the film is shaped by the process of a fine art project creating unprecedented, photographic iconography depicting Jesus as on the side of the LGBTQ+ community, portrayed by multiple LGBTQ+ models of diverse ethnicities, genders, races, sexualities, and identities. The film features behind-the-scenes footage of creation of the art and its impactful representation throughout the process. The images are revealed at the end of the film and will be made publicly available.

Wonderfully Made is the first in a planned documentary series, LGBTQ+R(eligion), in which each episode will focus on a different faith tradition.

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